Thursday, December 28, 2006

Why We Travel by Land, Whenever Possible

Potentially disturbing information reported by Rad Sallee in the Houston Chronicle’s story on the luggage theft from Bush Intercontinental Airport:
Some of the [68] bags reportedly came through Terminal D, which handles most international flights. There, arriving passengers pick up their baggage in a customs area closed to the public. It was not clear how thieves obtained access there, if they did.
If true, that strongly suggests an inside job, which we suppose is slightly more reassuring than the notion that random unauthorized individuals were able to mosey up to the baggage carousel in a restricted area and make off with passengers’ dirty clothes.

Either way, it’s breach of security, no?

This at the facility managed by the city department that earlier this year refused to divulge information on bonuses paid to employees, citing a legal department opinion that disclosure of such “could pose security and terrorism risks.”

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