Friday, June 01, 2007

Missing Rick Casey (Almost)

One of the columnists Houston’s leading daily newspaper has filling the space of the sabbaticizing* Rick Casey revealed this week that the area is home to many people who speak and understand only Spanish (!) and, in what was surely a coincidental act of product placement on behalf of a major advertiser that shares or shared a PR agency with the newspaper, there exist commercial establishments---well, at least one commercial establishment---that cater solely to these non-English speakers.

Needless to say this startling news blew what was left of our mind.

Now we know this columnist is a sharp writer who will one day tell us many interesting and incisive things we didn’t know about Our Town---perhaps without resorting to quoting Professor Nestor Rodriguez---and make us forget that we never knew Rick Casey. But not this week.

* Sabbaticizing: The act of taking off on a sabbatical. An exclusive coinage of Slampo’s Place Ltd. Copyright 2007. Unauthorized use is prohibited.

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