Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Commercial Landmarks of Houston, No. 5 in Our Award-Winning Series

When it was built in 1963 it was hailed as the 8th Wonder of the World. Or maybe the 9th or 10th---something thereabouts. While its exact wonderment ranking is lost to history, it is generally recognized by preservationists and architectural historians as the first domed transmission repair shop in the 3400 block of Chimney Rock. The first fully equipped one, that is. But now the Transmission Dome has fallen into disrepair and disuse, a magnet for the graffiti artist and vagabond. There is some talk of turning the Dome into a Japanese-style hot-sheet hotel, complete with a small "gondola ride" between cubicles, but the credit crunch has probably queered those plans. Vestige of a simpler day, we're afraid we'll never see its like again.

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