Friday, February 05, 2010

Stein Watch: The Professor and the Wedge Not-Wedge

We know--we've been falling down on the Bob Stein Watch job. But it would be a 'round-the-clock task keeping up with the public utterances of Rice University's Lena Gohlman Fox Professor of Political Science. Fortunately, Stein Watch is a collective effort, and one of our correspondents has called our attention to some Stein-ian verbiage that graced a story on NewsRadio 740 KTRH regarding the "first gubernatorial ad" by our own ex-alcalde, Bill White. How to explain the ad's "focus on education"? Call 1-800-YOU-NEEDA-QUOTE and ask for "Bob," or "Robert," when the occasion demands [the following is lifted verbatim from the station's Web site, without the necessary corrections, which ordinarily we might be moved to make but which we're just not in the mood to fool with at present]:
“You’ve got lots of suburban school districts which are Republican based that are suffering under the new tax reforms and tax cuts—Cy-Fair, Goose Creek, Klein—that are not able to meet their payrolls—that are not able to meet their increasing demand” said Rice University Political Scientist Bob Stein, adding such a focus covers much of the political spectrum.

“It’s a kind of wedge issue that isn’t a wedge. It’s actually a bridge between two important political constituencies—suburban Republican voters who have young children in public schools—and growing urban areas—particularly in the Valley, San Antonio, El Paso, where there are growing Hispanic populations” Stein said.

In the end, Stein said the strategy is pretty easy to understand.

“What you’re beginning to see is Bill White try to fashion a campaign strategy that anticipates that Rick Perry will be the (Republican) nominee—the Kay Bailey Hutchison will not be the nominee” Stein said, seeing a push for Republican voters who may be looking for more Progressive leadership.
Our correspondent, a droll sort, even went the extra mile to help us polish off this installment of Stein Watch:
You need a quote? Here's one: "Didn't his wife work for White?"


Kevin Whited said...

There's a Stein appearance in this fine recent offering from the Chron's DC bureau:

Slampo said...

That fellow in the D.C. bureau seems to have established Roberto as his go-to-guy to help pad out a story.

Rorschach said...

The reason they can't meet payroll is that they have too damned many people ON the payroll for the job at hand.